UNISON calls for no compulsory redundancies at AGM

At a packed AGM today, UNISON Aberdeen City members called on Aberdeen City Council to commit to "no compulsory redundancies".

After the announcement that 370 jobs will be cut from the Council, many of our members have been concerned by statements that the Council "hopes" to manage staff reductions by voluntary means. UNISON is committed to protecting our members' jobs and keeping our public services in house.

UNISON has developed Transformation Principles to hold the implementation of the Target Operating Model to account and ensure that our members have greater job security and public services continue to be delivered in house.

However, UNISON is encouraged that the administration has responded to its campaigning and approved a commitment to “no compulsory redundancies” at the meeting of Council on 5 March 2018. But this is not enough and we will be looking to negotiate a formal commitment and policy to be approved by Council.

The Council should never resort to making employees compulsorily redundant. Our members need job security and the Target Operating Model has created a high degree of uncertainty about the future of the organisation.

See all of the papers from this year's AGM online.

UNISON commits to No Compulsory Redundancies

AGM resolved to:

- Campaign against compulsory redundancies and unnecessary or harmful reductions in the workforce at Aberdeen City Council;

- Utilise the UNISON LabourLink to maintain a commitment to no compulsory redundancies within the current administration;

- Negotiate a formal “no compulsory redundancies” policy with the Council to be approved by the Staff Governance Committee.

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