Aberdeen Trades Union Council (ATUC) has joined other voices across the city to condemn the drastic package of cuts being proposed by Aberdeen City Council to meet a £41million budget deficit.
ATUC has organised a lobby of the Aberdeen City Council budget meeting on Tuesday 5th March from 1-4pm outside Marischall College, Broad Street, Aberdeen. UNISON will be protesting to stand up against cuts to terms and conditions, jobs and council services.
ATUC Secretary, Fiona Napier said, “These cuts put hundreds of jobs at risk, and funding for many vital community groups and services faces being slashed. School crossings, libraries, public toilets – all at risk.
“ATUC will be joining community groups, concerned citizens and trade unionists outside the council chambers on the day to remind councillors of the crucial role these jobs, groups and services play in our communities.”
Kenny Luke, Branch Secretary, said: “These proposals will have a massive impact on our members and our city. If they’re approved by the Council, they will hit a workforce under huge pressure to deliver vital services to the people of Aberdeen. We’ll have lost nearly 800 colleagues.
“Excluding ringfenced posts in social work and teachers, that’s 1 in 6 staff.
“We want to assure our members that we will be fighting these ideological cuts and protecting our members’ jobs. We will be campaigning for the vital services that support the most vulnerable in our city.”