UNISON wins key concession on redeployment policy

This week we’ve written to all of our members to let them know about a key concession we’ve won on the redeployment policy at Aberdeen City Council. This means that the administration’s commitment to ‘no compulsory redundancies’ can be meaningfully implemented to protect our members’ jobs. Our Joint Branch Secretary, Kenny Luke, explains more:

Dear member


Transformation Update: Are you an opportunity for change?

You will now have received a letter from Aberdeen City Council letting you know which council function your job is in. This follows the outline structure announced in the Target Operating Model and the consultations to which UNISON and our members have been responding.

Over the next few weeks some of you may receive further letters notifying you that you are “in scope” for change. This will affect any changes across the whole organisation.

If you are “in scope” for change it is highly important that you notify your local UNISON steward. If you have any questions, would like to raise concerns or require support then your steward can help. You can also be accompanied to meetings with management to discuss changes to your role. We will be holding stalls and meetings over the coming months to support those who are affected by change.

To find out who your local steward is go to https://aberdeenunison.co.uk/in-your-workplace

Redeployment and no compulsory redundancies

UNISON continues to stand up for your job and has secured commitments to no compulsory redundancies on several occasions, including at a Council meeting on 5 March. As part of moving toward a meaningful commitment, Aberdeen City Council has confirmed to UNISON that those staff who are redeployed will not be subject to the usual time limits for finding a new role. This means redeployed members will remain on the redeployment list until a job is available. You will also be able to continue applying for VSER even if you are on the redeployment list.

This is a breakthrough for UNISON and a key concession by the Council to our campaigning. Only by standing together in a strong and unionised workforce can we achieve changes like this. If you know a colleague who is not a member of UNISON, please talk to them about the importance of joining a trade union. More information and updates are available online at aberdeenunison.co.uk or via our Facebook page and Twitter (@abdncityUNISON).

All-member Transformation Meeting – 30 April 2018, 12-2pm

We are holding a meeting for all our members on 30 April 2018 in the Town & County Hall at the Town House. This is to discuss the current phase of transformation, migration to the new interim functional structure, and concerns which our members have been raising with us. Lunch will be provided for those attending. Please come along and help us stand #togetherinUNISON!


Yours sincerely


Kenny Luke and Deirdre MacDonald

Joint Branch Secretaries

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  1. Last year we ticked the box for the 3 years to chose to go or not.We were told we could not go . This year we have asked again for figures and have been told they have us on their file will get back to us soon.
    We are worried if they reach their 370 job cuts , we will not get a chance to go.

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