Over the coming months the Council will be holding the first of it’s transformation boards. This will be the mechanism by which transformation activities and work-plans are assessed and approved internally. At the end of the process a new Strategic Transformation Committee (made up of Councillors) will have the final say. It’s important that UNISON members understand what this means and how they will be represented in these decisions.
UNISON will be have a seat on all of these boards and ensure that our members’ voices are heard in the planning of the transformation programme. We’ve been getting a lot of feedback and new members signed up over the last few weeks as a result of the changes announced by the Chief Executive and the “Target Operating Model”. You’ve been telling us that management need to be more transparent, open and accountable. Decision-making can’t be a foregone conclusion where council workers are thought of as just another budget line.
We agree. And that’s the message we’ll be making loud and clear.
This is a crucial time for our union and only full and constructive engagement with the process will allow us to affect change. When we need to make our voices heard, we are stronger together in UNISON.
If you have a concern that you want to raise with us about the Target Operating Model, or want ask us a question about how we’re approaching this, please get in touch. You can also volunteer to help us challenge management, speak out for our members, and keep the Council honest. It’s your job, your voice, and your union.